Building a resilient system for sustainable black integrated farming businesses
To transform small scale farmers into commercial farmers
To ensure capacitated (skilled and capable) quality farmers through development initiatives




Who we are

South African Grain Farmers Association (SAGRA) is a Non-Profit organisation that is incorporated under South African legislation. SAGRA was founded by black grain farmers from various grain-producing regions of South Africa. SAGRA is a voluntary commodity membership-based organisation that represents the interests of black developing and commercial grain farmers in the South African grain and oilseeds industries. SAGRA is registered as a directly affected group in line with the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 47 of 1996 as amended.

“If we empower smallholder farmers to achieve their aspirations, they will do the heavy lifting of development themselves.” – Agnes Kalibata

SAGRA is a Non-Profit Organisation that is incorporated under South African legislation.

  • Organise small-scale and developing commercial grain farmers in South Africa.
  • Promote, drive and create a platform for effective and impactful development for all small-scale and developing grain farmers in South Africa

Building an inclusive agricultural economy depends on meaningful and transparent private-public partnerships. We strive to make this a reality

SAGRA is a Non-Profit Organisation that is incorporated under South African legislation.

  • Organise small-scale and developing commercial grain farmers in South Africa.
  • Promote, drive and create a platform for effective and impactful development for all small-scale and developing grain farmers in South Africa

Building an inclusive agricultural economy depends on meaningful and transparent private-public partnerships. We strive to make this a reality

Our key focus commodities

White Maize

Yellow Maize



Soy Beans

Dry Beans




Small White Beans

Grain Sorghum

Indigenous Grains

“Agriculture is not a way of life… Agriculture is a business.” – Akin Adesina,
